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Apartamentos Le Domaine du Bois de la Gree
El alojamiento no está disponible en esas fechas7 noches del 26/03 al 02/04

Comentarios de los clientes

Último comentario

big dan

il y a 3 semanas sur Google

I have just returned from a very pleasant stay. The accommodation was clean and functional. Small downside for the very tight single beds. the swimming pool was announced at 29 degrees but that didn't seem to be the case to me.. but it was still okay. the pools are small, which was fine for us because it's not high season so there weren't many of us swimming.... The sauna too bad I wasn't always able to take full advantage of it... reception quite good. a market crossroads and a bakery within a short walk. on the other hand in April, it was not very hot, but it was borderline for us so in summer it should not be obvious in the accommodation... bring fans... I'm thinking of going back, I really liked the area. I recommend.

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Apartamentos Le Domaine du Bois de la Gree
del 26/03/2020 al 02/04/2020
Espera, por favor