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Últimos minutos: ya reservado por 5 personas desde ayer

Últimos minutos: ya reservado por 5 personas desde ayer

Hôtel de l'Esterel

Últimos minutos: ya reservado por 5 personas desde ayer

159 €
1 noche del 10/05 al 11/05

Comentarios de los clientes

Último comentario

Mum Lili

il y a 6 meses sur Google

Most: -The staff is very attentive. -Room service is very good too. - The location is great. - The rooms are new and sufficiently spacious. - Evening meals are good. The lessers : -Big downside for the restaurant which cannot accommodate everyone because it is too small and for its breakfast which is not great compared to the price, could do better (with for example fresh bread, waffles, pancakes. ..) But the meal remains good. -I also suggest closing the hotel corridors, for days with bad weather (strong winds, rain, etc.) It is unpleasant to have to go outside to have breakfast, at least closing the corridors on the sides, it would allow us to stay "warm" to get to the reception or the restaurant. -Some rooms are better located than others (those on the freight elevator side and the restaurant side on the ground floor may be disturbing if you are looking for silence in the evening) -A deckchair is missing for the balcony/terrace But overall it remains a great stay, welcoming people, caring staff and a magnificent site.

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Hôtel de l'Esterel
  - persons del 10/05/2024 al 11/05/2024
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