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Apartamentos premium Port-Prestige

Estancia más responsable
Llave verde : la etiqueta ambiental internacional para el turismo sostenible
1 avenue Frédéric Mistral, 06600 Antibes, Francia
Apartamentos premium Port-Prestige
El alojamiento no está disponible en esas fechas7 noches del 14/12 al 21/12

Comentarios de los clientes

Último comentario

Jeannot M

il y a 1 semana sur Google

I don't know if this residence can be considered premium but the price is. Little pressure in the shower and the size of the bathroom is small as is that of the bedroom, we had to move a bedside table to close the door! Pretty nice decoration. The exterior air conditioning box sends out a lot of freshness or even cold and it is very unpleasant to stay on the terrace. Very well decorated interior garden, an oasis in the heart of the city. Big positive point: the very professional welcome from Manon who was able to respond to all our requests with great kindness, we thank her warmly. The location of the residence is ideal and there is a good chance that we will come back a third time ;)


Llave verde

Llave verde

Llave verde : la etiqueta ambiental internacional para el turismo sostenible

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Pierre & Vacances Premium
Apartamentos premium Port-Prestige
del 14/12/2019 al 21/12/2019
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