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Apartamentos Le Mont Soleil
132 €
2 noches del 06/07 al 08/07

Comentarios de los clientes

Último comentario

Delphine Meslet

il y a 2 semanas sur Google

Everything was perfect in this residence: top floor, balcony with panoramic view. Apartment 6 people for 2 adults and 2 children therefore spacious except for the ski locker which is the same size for everyone. (So ​​with 6 skiers, I suppose you have to be ingenious with storage) At the foot of the blue piste, the Espace with the Bergerie chairlift at the bottom. Close to the ESF, ski rental. Note that the residence does not have parking, you can of course unload your car but then you have to park a little further down in the station or reserve a space for 65 euros in the Plagne Soleil underground car park. (This is common in a ski resort) Catering is prohibitive whether at the spar or in the surrounding restaurants. This is why the formula with famili eat is very practical. The welcome kit as well as the sheets and bathroom towels provided are appreciated. The apartment, as a whole, is clean. It's still a rental so there's no point being dismayed by a hair left over from the previous tenant... Overall, I am very satisfied with this stay. All the people I met or spoke to on the phone (Pierre & Vacances reception, Famili Eat delivery man) were very friendly and accommodating. I validate 100% and will be ready to return to these conditions with my eyes closed.

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Pierre & Vacances
Apartamentos Le Mont Soleil
  - persons del 06/07/2024 al 08/07/2024
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