Last minutes: sinds gisteren al geboekt door 6 personen

Vakantiepark Terrazas Costa del Sol
€ 1253
7 nachten van 28/07 tot 04/08

Klantenbeoordelingen Terrazas Costa del Sol



2100 beoordelingen


39.5 %


28.4 %


15.8 %


5.8 %


10.5 %

Fa. D.

il y a 5 dagen sur Google

We have been there from Thursday until today and I have to say that we have been disappointed, yesterday we almost ran out of parking due to arriving later even though we had previously paid, too much overbooking and terrible service, as soon as we arrived on Thursday the baby pool There was poop, and they didn't even realize it. After a couple of hours they come and pour a bottle of product and without sealing or anything fatal, everything and the apartments are super well painted and new and other more forgotten areas like Cadiz that they A good review is missing, we don't even talk about the fights for the sunbeds in the pool, people on the ground, the pool is not adapted for disabled people, which in this era is shameful, the hours from 7 to 10 for breakfast, then from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. to have a drink. Everything is very poorly thought out for another type of audience that surely works for them but I will certainly not return.

ocm clever

il y a 6 dagen sur Google

For the price it is normal. The best and most attentive of all Miguel. It is worth your attention. Jb in plastic cup. He he

david Cadiz Cremades

il y a 1 week sur Google

Quiet place but a little abandoned, broken and unpainted walls, but good to rest
Beoordeling 2024-07-18 10:53:54

Estimado David,
Nos gustaría darle las gracias por alojarse en nuestros apartamentos Pierre & Vacances Terrazas Costa del Sol y por trasladarnos su feedback.

Nos complace saber que encontró tranquilidad y un buen lugar para descansar, elementos esenciales para unas vacaciones reparadoras.

Sin embargo, lamentamos que ciertos aspectos de su estancia no hayan cumplido con sus expectativas. Entendemos la importancia de mantener nuestras instalaciones en perfecto estado y pedimos disculpas si en esta ocasión hemos fallado en proporcionar ese nivel de calidad que nuestros huéspedes merecen. Aseguramos que tomamos nota de sus observaciones sobre las paredes y la pintura para mejorar la experiencia de nuestros visitantes.

No obstante, nos gustaría recordarle que nuestras amplias y climatizadas habitaciones ofrecen una decoración contemporánea con toques locales moriscos y cuentan con una cocina equipada y una amplia terraza amueblada para su disfrute. Esperamos que esto haya contribuido a una estancia placentera en general.

Le estaremos esperando cuando regrese.


E.Ecija, Directora general

Romy Verhaegh

il y a 1 week sur Google

For the first time here with a family of 5. We stay on an accommodation basis. And had a rental car, which is really necessary, if you want to do some shopping or a trip to the sea, for example, because you are on a mountain with only a minimarket at your disposal and walking to the sea is doable but back.... you have to pay €5 pay per day to park your car in the shared parking lot and then have to walk a short distance to your apartment.

Nice hotel at first glance. Small but nice and clean swimming pool, everything outside is neatly maintained.
Super friendly staff.
Towel package, which was renewed after 4 days.
The rooms are spacious and tidy except for some minor maintenance, 2 bathrooms, kitchenette with everything you need and a balcony.

The swimming pool is strictly enforced, no swimming rings or even balls allowed to throw in the bath, you don't have to 'reserve' a bed with your towel because if you are not around, they will be taken away in no time ( which is also fine with me).
If only they were as alert and strict during the evening silence. If you come here for your (evening/night) rest, you can forget about it. Screaming and shouting outside until late at night, parties in the apartments, everything is possible here. And then we were still on the quiet side!!!
The rooms (3 floors) are very noisy. You hear everything from your neighbors, even the sliding of the chairs. Not nice if you have young children who want to sleep or if you like to close your eyes around midnight...
Besides that, I think price-quality matches what you get.
Animation is fun, but mainly focused on Spanish.
Beoordeling 2024-07-18 07:51:14

Beste Romy, Hartelijk dank voor uw feedback.

We zijn blij te horen dat uw verblijf bij ons gezinsvriendelijk was en dat u de accommodatie, het behulpzame personeel en de handdoekenservice waardeerde. Het doet ons goed dat de ruimte en de inrichting van de kamers, inclusief de keuken en het balkon, aan uw verwachtingen hebben voldaan.

Echter, het spijt ons te vernemen dat bepaalde aspecten van uw verblijf niet aan uw verwachtingen hebben voldaan. We begrijpen dat de rust in de avonduren essentieel is voor een ontspannen verblijf en we nemen uw opmerkingen over het geluid serieus. Bovendien streven we ernaar de huisregels in het zwembad te handhaven voor de veiligheid en het comfort van al onze gasten, hoewel we begrijpen dat dit als beperkend kan worden ervaren. We waarderen uw eerlijke feedback, aangezien deze ons helpt onze diensten te verbeteren.

Niettemin zijn we tevreden te horen dat u de prijs-kwaliteitverhouding van ons vakantiedorp passend vond. Ons animatieteam doet zijn uiterste best om een leuk en divers programma te bieden, hoewel het inderdaad zo is dat sommige activiteiten specifiek gericht zijn op onze Spaanse gasten. We hopen u en uw gezin in de toekomst weer te kunnen verwelkomen, zodat u nog meer positieve ervaringen met ons kunt delen.

Met vriendelijke groet,

E.Ecija, General Manager


il y a 1 week sur Google

We are leaving tomorrow after 2 and a half weeks spent in this stone and vacation where everything was great. Village well placed for visits and shopping. The spacious, clean room with a view of the sea. The reception staff are always friendly and available to ensure that your stay goes well. The restaurant has a varied buffet, you can go there whenever you want or take the half-board package, as for the entertainment team they are great, mention to Julien our French entertainer. It was a dream vacation, thank you all. We will come back.
Beoordeling 2024-07-17 16:54:34

Cher hôte,
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de rédiger ce charmant commentaire!

Nous nous réjouissons que vous ayez passé un bon séjour parmi nous et apprécié la propreté de votre logement, la sécurité des lieux, le professionnalisme de nos équipes ainsi que notre emplacement à proximité de tout.

Nous prenons note de votre observation.

Nous avons été heureux de vous recevoir et espérons vous revoir très bientôt. Bien à vous,

E.Ecija, Directrice générale

Even geduld...