Premium Residenz Les Fermes du Soleil
836 €
7 Nächte Vom 27/07 bis zum 03/08

Kundenrezensionen Les Fermes du Soleil


Sehr gut

326 Bewertungen


59.2 %


31.0 %


5.2 %


1.8 %


2.8 %

Paulo Escobar

il y a 1 Woche sur Google

Very nice residence for a pleasant family stay, ideally located in the heart of the village of Carroz d'Arraches!
The team is very professional with answers to all our questions!
We recommend this resort where activities are offered for families!
We will definitely come back to Ports du Soleil!

jb roussel

il y a 3 Monate sur Google

We were at apartment A423

We were 2 couples with 3 children

We asked for an additional mattress to put on the mezzanine to avoid having a child sleeping in the living room. Mattress got quickly

What can we say about this non-Japanese staircase for 6 year old children which is not at all suitable?
Decoration identical to the opening 17 years ago, nothing has changed, it's scary.
Table for 6 absolutely not suitable, dresser which is in the apartment but which makes no sense, poorly thought out layout. And the icing on the cake: toilets that stink of urine. The joints are non-existent between the floor and the wall, so the piss from all the customers ends up behind the wall and it stinks!! Traces on the walls, it's disgusting.
The joints are full of mold in the bathroom!
We took a parking space. There are clean and dirty laundry stored there, there are several emergency units in this garage that do not work.
Holes in the walls, dirt absolutely do not reflect a premium.
At the swimming pool, tiles are peeling off. Spikes protrude from the wood, it’s dangerous. Few deckchairs given the number of customers. Jacuzzi prohibits at least 16 years old but invaded by children. No control. No essential oils in the hammam throughout the stay. The saunas are very degraded and the wood is falling into disrepair. No access control for children under sixteen years present. Illegible display, but what is Madame Rateaux doing???
Being a veteran of stone and vacation and knowing the policy of deleting @ so as not to receive the satisfaction questionnaire, this is the reason why I put a notice here. Despite my reminder at reception.
Bewertung 2024-04-23 10:56:12

Nous sommes profondément désolés d'apprendre les problèmes que vous avez rencontrés lors de votre séjour. Ce que vous décrivez ne reflète en aucun cas l'expérience que nous nous efforçons de fournir chez Pierre & Vacances, et nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de partager vos préoccupations avec nous.

Concernant la résidence Pierre & Vacances Les Fermes du Soleil, elle offre un cadre paisible ainsi qu'une gamme complète de services pour rendre votre séjour des plus agréables. Nous sommes vraiment désolés que vous n'ayez pas pu pleinement profiter de ces aspects.

Bien que notre résidence soit propice à la détente et adaptée aux familles, nous vous recommandons vivement nos villages Pierre & Vacances, dotés d'infrastructures spécialement conçues pour répondre aux besoins des enfants, ce qui pourrait mieux correspondre à vos attentes.

Par ailleurs, nous vous encourageons vivement à contacter notre service client via ce lien :, si vous avez besoin d'une assistance supplémentaire ou si vous souhaitez discuter plus en détail de votre expérience. Notre équipe est là pour vous aider et pour s'assurer que vos retours sont pris en compte.

Encore une fois, nous vous remercions sincèrement pour vos commentaires précieux, qui nous permettent d'améliorer en permanence la qualité de nos services.

L'équipe Pierre & Vacances


Stéphane Sohier

il y a 3 Monate sur Google

Although the building and its equipment are a little dated, the whole is very well maintained and the atmosphere is warm and family-friendly. The technical service is very responsive, competent and friendly (2 effective interventions, within half a day). The welcome at reception is pleasant and dynamic. Swimming pool fully lived up to expectations. The only downside is access to the track which requires either a car or the shuttle (free, but allow 30 minutes)

Stephane Avisse

il y a 3 Monate sur Google

Great teams, clean and decent chalet

Emma Sainson

il y a 4 Monate sur Google

Great family resort
The apartments are very good and clean.
right next to the ice rink and swimming pool.
Close to all shops and the heart of the village.
The only downside is that you have to take the bus to go up to the cable cars!
Remember to reserve your lockers at the cable cars for more comfort.
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