Hotel Vistamar (Adults Recommended)
€ 64
1 nacht van 01/10 tot 02/10

Klantenbeoordelingen Hotel Vistamar (Adults Recommended)


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799 beoordelingen


47.1 %


30.3 %


12.3 %


4.1 %


6.3 %

Hector Parlon

il y a 5 dagen sur Google

A dream week. We knew the line because of the apartments they have in the same area and we already loved them. After 2 years, we returned to Portocolom, a quiet area with more "family" tourism. The hotel did not disappoint us, it was incredible, as was the stay.

The service, friendly, clear and very friendly. The girls and boys from reception, to the bar and of course the waiters and cooks at the breakfast buffet.

Regarding the room, not bad. Beautiful views, you can see the sunsets and breathe tranquility. Spacious rooms and good for sleeping and little else. Very clean, daily cleaning and daily change of towels (if you requested it).

We loved breakfast. We had read some negative comments, which we do not understand. Nothing frozen. There is the usual: Pastries, bread, hot (bacon roll and so on for foreigners), a cold area with fresh fruit, a juice and coffee area (very good by the way) and a savory and sweet area where, if you If you want, they will prepare tortillas for you at the moment. They also prepare fried eggs and so on the spot, with a chef. Breakfast takes place in an external restaurant that is literally right in front of the hotel, you don't have to walk more than 15 meters.

The pools, of which there are 2, are in 2 separate 'complexes': One in the breakfast area and the other in the bar complex, where some nights there is also entertainment. The pool at the bar does not cover it (1.40m maximum depth), ideal for relaxing, being with your partner, etc...

Honestly, a hotel which we recommend to travel in peace, as a couple or friends and not worry about everything. We left it written down to return. A pleasure to have been at the Hotel Vistamar.

Florian Banette

il y a 6 dagen sur Google

Top position, on the edge of the port (great view!)
Room quality, impeccable cleanliness ?
Very nice breakfast
Super nice staff ?
A small problem is the sound insulation between rooms

MariCarmen Martinez Sanchez

il y a 1 week sur Google

A hotel with excellent treatment and service. with easy parking and good location near the best coves in Mallorca. A pleasure
Beoordeling 2024-07-16 17:53:23

Estimada huésped,

Muchísimas gracias por la excelente valoración que le otorgó al Hotel Vistamar by Pierre & Vacances.

Nos complace enormemente saber que su estadía en el Hotel Vistamar by Pierre & Vacances fue tan positiva.

Estamos encantados de que haya disfrutado del trato, servicio, aparcamiento fácil y de nuestra ubicación estratégica cerca de las mejores calas de Mallorca, lo cual es fundamental para ofrecer una experiencia inolvidable.

Quedamos a su entera disposición para cuando desee repetir experiencia con nosotros.

Un cordial saludo,

Catherine C., Directora general

Jessica Guarnido Escobar

il y a 1 week sur Google

We stayed 3 nights and the stay was great.
It is worth highlighting the friendliness of the staff who work at this hotel.
Reception staff of 10!
If I had to say something bad, it would be that for my taste the pillows are very thin.

I recommend this hotel 100%.
Beoordeling 2024-07-16 17:53:09

Estimada Jessica ,

Estamos sinceramente agradecidos por el tiempo que ha dedicado en compartir su opinión sobre su reciente estancia en nuestro hotel Hotel Vistamar by Pierre & Vacances. Su opinión nos ayudará a continuar mejorando la calidad de nuestros servicios.

Nos complace mucho saber que su estancia en Hotel Vistamar by Pierre & Vacances fue tan satisfactoria.

Nos llena de alegría que haya disfrutado de la amabilidad de nuestro personal y, en particular, de nuestro equipo de recepción, quienes están siempre dispuestos a ofrecer un servicio excepcional a nuestros huéspedes.

Sin embargo, lamentamos que las almohadas no hayan sido de su agrado. Valoramos mucho sus comentarios y los tomaremos en cuenta para mejorar en este aspecto y asegurar el máximo confort de nuestros visitantes.

Finalmente, nos alegra que haya recomendado nuestro hotel, y esperamos que en su próxima visita pueda disfrutar de todas las comodidades y servicios que tenemos para ofrecer, incluyendo nuestras instalaciones de ocio y la magnífica ubicación en una de las costas más hermosas de Mallorca.

Nos encantaría volver a recibirle en su próxima visita a Porto Colom . ¡Hasta pronto!

Catherine C., Directora general


il y a 1 week sur Google

Friendly hotel well located with swimming pool and breakfast included. However, during our stay, the sheets were not changed once. We also reported a foul odor coming from the air vent but nothing was done to correct this problem. Despite this, we had a pleasant time.
Beoordeling 2024-07-16 17:52:58

Cher hôte,
Merci pour ce retour.

Nous sommes enchantés que vous ayez apprécié la piscine et le petit déjeuner inclus.

Néanmoins, nous sommes désolés que certains aspects de votre séjour n'aient pas été à la hauteur de vos attentes. Concernant le changement des draps et l'odeur signalée, nous vous prions de bien vouloir accepter nos excuses pour ces inconvénients. Nous prenons vos retours au sérieux et allons revoir nos procédures pour améliorer la qualité de nos services.

Enfin, nous sommes heureux que vous ayez trouvé notre hôtel bien situé, offrant une vue imprenable sur la mer depuis la plupart de nos chambres et situé à seulement une courte distance de marche de la belle plage de Cala Marçal.

Au plaisir de vous revoir parmi nous,

Catherine C., Directrice générale

Even geduld...