Résidence premium Les Alpages de Chantel
925 €
7 nuits du 27/07 au 03/08

L'avis de nos voyageurs Les Alpages de Chantel


Très bien

38 avis


55.3 %


23.7 %


7.9 %


5.3 %


7.9 %


il y a 1 semaine sur Google

Beautiful residence in a prime location, breathtaking view of Mont Blanc. Indoor swimming pool appreciated by children, small but well equipped apartment. Thank you Madame Océane for the service at reception.
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Françoise Regallet

il y a 3 mois sur Google

The ROSELEND residence is very pleasant, especially the swimming pool/sauna area. Our apartment was very good, except for 2 small drawbacks: the toilets smelled a little like urine despite the cleaning products and the bedding was a little tired because it was soft.
And access from the slopes is really difficult with a big slope and a snowy part of the path: it would be good if the municipality improved this (treadmill on the steep part?)
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Josep Riera Suñe

il y a 3 mois sur Google

very good location, practical apartment, clean and well equipped and good service. the swimming pool, the sauna, the hammam, having bread brought to you, the ski locker and being able to go out on skis are very appreciated. The parking lot should be able to be rented with the apartment and the price is a bit high. It was a bit cold in the apartment but they brought us a stove.
In summary, highly recommended, good value for money
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Emeline Souty

il y a 4 mois sur Google

We spent 1 week at the Alpages du Chantel residence at the end of February.
We were 8 people.
I was very disappointed with the condition of the apartment…. Sheets stained everywhere, dust everywhere… my daughter had dropped her blanket under the bed…. Hello, the state of the bedspreads, the door to one bedroom did not close, the skirting boards are peeling off, only one hair dryer is not working properly.... No oven but a “combined microwave oven” which is at head height with a door which opens like an oven so not at all practical and to cook for 8 forget the dishes in the oven….
I had to pay 83€ tourist tax (with the site link which did not work) and when I got there I was asked 111€ tax! I had to fight to pay the 83€ and not the 111€.
I would not return to this residence, fortunately we had a beautiful view of the mountains and the swimming pool was very good (except the lockers where there were broken lockers without the possibility of locking…).
Avis 2024-03-11 15:24:49

Nous sommes sincèrement, désolés, Emeline, d'apprendre que votre séjour à la Résidence premium Les Alpages de Chantel n'a pas été à la hauteur de vos attentes.

Nous comprenons votre déception concernant l'état de l'appartement et les désagréments rencontrés. Votre confort et votre satisfaction sont notre priorité, et nous regrettons que vous n'ayez pas bénéficié de l'expérience que nous souhaitons offrir à nos clients.

Nous vous encourageons vivement à contacter notre service client via le lien suivant : https://contactariane.com/. Notre équipe sera à votre écoute pour prendre en compte vos retours et trouver des solutions adaptées à vos préoccupations.

Encore une fois, nous vous présentons nos excuses pour les désagréments rencontrés et espérons avoir l'opportunité de regagner votre confiance lors d'un prochain séjour.

L'équipe Pierre & Vacances

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il y a 5 mois sur Google

Charming staff, especially to resolve a problem of nighttime noise ?
Ideal location for the DAHU or ski descent
Small downside on the dark "parent" bedroom and bed built into a fairly tight piece of furniture/wardrobe
Very nice swimming pool/spa and available over a wide time slot
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